Owl Realms is committed to giving you a high-quality Minecraft experience that you love!
All proceeds from purchases will go to improving our network quality and supporting local charities.
Where can I get help?
If you have any questions about a purchase using our webstore, please do not hesitate to contact us at https://www.owlrealms.com
How long will my order take to complete?
When you purchase a package on our webstore, please give the system at least 5 minutes to reward you with your purchases. If for whatever reason you do not receive your package(s), you can ask our forum or discord for help.
If I purchase something, am I entitled to a refund?
By purchasing a package on our webstore, you are agreeing to our no-refund policy. All purchases are final, please be aware of what you are buying beforehand. Do NOT use a credit card without permission, this will result in a chargeback which will get you banned.
Do I have to have a PayPal account to purchase something?
Not at all. Upon checkout, PayPal allows you to pay with visa/mastercard/etc. Simply click the "I don't have a Paypal account" button after clicking on the "Purchase" button on our webstore.
⚠ Owl Realms is NOT affiliated with Minecraft and Mojang AB.
Please do not contact Mojang about any purchases as they cannot help you in any way.